Friday, February 27, 2009

Who will be the next AIRDANCE IDOL?

AIRDANCE IDOL winners 2004

Time moves so fast and we just realized that we are now holding our 5th edition of AIRDANCE IDOL this monday MARCH 2, 6:30 pm at Airdance/Dance Forum.

Traditionally we do this during our Christmas party but we were not able to have it last December since we had so many commitments then.

Am glad the dancers all worked to make this next one possible. Join us :)

Complete list of Past Winners:

Airdance Idol


Nordic Caraig
2nd place Reagan Cornelio
3rd place Ernest Hollilia


Jethro Pioquinto
2nd place Pro Gelladuga and Vincent Egido
3rd place Dudoy Sollano


Ava Maureen Villanueva
2nd place Victor Sy
3rd place Rhosam Prudenciado


Mia Cabalfin
2nd place Johnny Amar
3rd place John Phillip Martir


Nordic, Jethro, Ava, Mia... Who will be the next AIRDANCE IDOL?

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